Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Still Pregnant

I had my doctor appointment yesterday. I am dialalted to a 3. If baby Austyn is not here before December 28th I will be induced that day. Here is a picture of the nursery and the most recent one of me that I have. It was about2 weeks ago for Davids Christmas party at work.


DMom said...

You have my sympathy - and that of every other woman who has ever been pregnant. The nursery looks fabulous, all it needs is a baby Austyn. I was thinking that if she waits until the 23rd you could name her Josie (that is Joseph Smith's birthday).
Love to you and let us know at the first genuine pain.

Camari said...

What a darling nursery!! I can't believe how quickly the time has gone before Austyn is here. Of course, I'm not the one who's pregnant... Hang in there, the fun has almost begun!

Gina and Jon said...

Mmm so I was wondering if you could have the baby tommorrow.. it would really work perfect for my schedule and I would be a big fan!!

Camari said...

Oh and FYI: I hope I look half as good as you when I'm nine months pregnant! I almost thought Austyn had already made her debut and that you were just holding out on us!

Kristen said...

I know the last few weeks are l-o-n-g. And you get so tired of people saying, "No baby yet?" But you look great and your nursery is darling. (I love the green!)

Enjoy the last few days as much as possible. Babies are much quieter in the womb than in the nursery.

Tylershark said...

I love the nursery. So exciting.